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Symptoms of spiritual issues vary from person to person and there is a lot of overlap between the symptoms of Sihr, ayn and jinn possession.


Although spiritual issues can eventually weaken an individual physically, this does NOT mean that we can blame health and medical problems on magic/evil eye/jinn. Before considering Rohani ilaaj (spiritual treatment), you should explore other causes for these problems and you MUST seek any medical advice and treatment from a trained, qualified and licensed medical health professional.


As mentioned previously, practicing any form of magic and seeking help from magicians is a major sin. Those who learn or practice any form of magic and those who go to such magicians for help are committing major sin and risk leaving the fold of Islam. Unfortunately, such is the state of the Ummah in this age, that some people choose to ignore the warnings and risk leaving the fold of Islam for their own selfish reasons; either under the false pretense that they will achieve a shortcut to success in this worldly life or in order to destroy the lives of individuals whose happiness and success they are jealous of. These selfish people are unable to bear the fact that Allah has gifted certain blessings (e.g. a loving family, beauty, health, strength, intelligence, wealth, etc.) to certain individuals. Instead of praying to Allah and asking to be blessed with what they admire in someone else, they resort to evil methods in an attempt to destroy the happiness of others, either by practicing magic themselves or by paying a magician to fulfill their evil requests. Therefore, the nature of the symptoms experienced by the victim will usually reflect the reason behind the magic.  However, magic CANNOT affect us WITHOUT ALLAH’S WILL. If Allah wills for someone to be affected by magic, then surely it is a TEST for the person affected. Allah tests all his Muslims with trials and tribulations in this life in order to validate the sincerity of our Imaan. So, if we become the victim of an evil person using magic, then perhaps Allah has willed for that as our test. We must keep faith in Allah and seek treatment in an ISLAMIC way, if Allah wills, we will be cured. Refer to the “Sihr, Ayn & Jinn” section of this website for Quranic verses and Hadith relating to this topic.


Due to overlap between some of the symptoms of magic, evil eye, and jinn possession, a collective list of the symptoms common to all three problems is provided later on this page under the heading “Symptoms Common to Magic, Evil Eye, and Jinn Possession”. Some symptoms specific to magic include:

  • Discovering taweedh (amulets) and other strange objects around your home (e.g. needles, nails, blood, animal skulls, eggs, locks of hair)

  • Unexplainable holes cut out of your clothes

  • Seemingly cleanly cut hair from your head

  • Missing clothes or other possessions

  • Dreaming about snakes, insects, rodents, dogs


As explained previously in the “Sihr, Ayn & Jinn” section of this website, a person affected by the evil eye is usually in ownership of an admirable quality (e.g. beauty, intelligence, wealth). Upon seeing or hearing of this quality, the evil eye can be transmitted from the soul of a person to the victim, resulting in negative consequences. The evil eye may be transmitted intentionally from the soul of a jealous person envious of your qualities, or it may be transmitted unintentionally from a person who loves you whilst admiring your qualities, and it may even come from jinn or yourself whilst admiring your own qualities.


Therefore, the admirable quality in question will usually suffer the negative effects of the evil eye, although other areas in life may also be affected. Due to overlap between some of the symptoms of magic, evil eye, and jinn possession, a collective list of the symptoms common to all three problems is provided later on this page under the heading “Symptoms Common to Magic, Evil Eye, and Jinn Possession”.


Refer to the “Sihr, Ayn & Jinn” section of this website for possible reasons behind jinn possession. Due to overlap between some of the symptoms of magic, evil eye, and jinn possession, a collective list of the symptoms common to all three problems is provided later on this page under the heading “Symptoms Common to Magic, Evil Eye, and Jinn Possession”. Some symptoms specific to jinn possession include:

  • Hazri (manifestation) of the jinn in the body of the victim during the recitation of Quran/ruqya/Adhaan (refer to the “Roohani Ilaj” section of this website for more information on jinn hazri)

  • Jerking, shaking, fainting or seizing up during the recitation of Quran/ruqya/Adhaan

  • Unexplainable cuts or bruises appearing on the body

  • Being violated sexually by a jinn


  • Weakening of Imaan

  • Strange feelings, aversion or discomfort whilst listening to Quran/Ruqya/Adhaan

  • Inability to concentrate whilst praying

  • Waswasa (whispers from Shaytaan)

  • Becoming neglectful to acts of worship (e.g. missing prayers, not reciting Quran or daily adhkaar, missing fasts)

  • Turning away from Islam

  • Indulging in sinful behavior (e.g. drinking alcohol, taking drugs, adultery)

  • Negative changes in a person of previously good character and behavior

  • Loss of willpower and motivation to be productive in life

  • Lack of peace in life and feeling restless, hopeless and depressed

  • Disturbance in family life (e.g. isolation from family members, hatred towards each other, arguments, fighting, divorce)

  • Problems getting married

  • Health problems that cannot be explained/treated by medical investigations/treatments, some common complaints include:

    • weakness

    • pain (especially headaches, shoulder, back, stomach)

    • depression

    • anxiety

    • obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

    • sleeping problems

    • infertility

    • miscarriages

  • Change in features relating to appearance and beauty (e.g. skin and hair problems)

  • Negligence to personal care, hygiene, and general cleanliness

  • Mind problems (e.g. effects on intelligence, cognitive problems, memory problems, poor concentration, aversion to studying)

  • Disturbing dreams

  • Loss or damage to material possessions

  • Injury or death of animals or crops

  • Financial problems, arising from:

    • loss of wealth

    • loss in business

    • problems finding employment

    • lack of motivation to work

    • difficulties encountered whilst attempting to do work (e.g. loss of ability to carry out tasks, poor concentration, health problems, loss of willpower)

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